#goPINKandBLUE is an international pregnancy and infant loss awareness campaign created by The Baby Resource Center, Inc., that invites the world to support what used to be a silent topic. #goPINKandBLUE utilizes social media to follow the everyday activities of the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness (PAILA) community. With over 83 million uses, to date, this viral hashtag is shining a light on families honoring their babies and those dedicated to healing hearts and educating on safe pregnancy practices.
The Baby Resource Center, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides resources for expecting families and those affected by pregnancy and infant loss. Since 2014, The Baby Resource Center has given bereavement resources, mental health assistance, facilitated peer support groups and raised awareness to over a half million people.
In 1988, President Reagan declared October Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. In an act of solidarity, we are asking you to stand with us! Show your support by changing your profile picture.
Click the photo below to change your profile picture. Re-post and share. #goPINKandBLUE to encourage your community of friends and family to change theirs too.
your profile picture our overlay your support
It's best to use a desktop computer if you have recently changed your profile picture or desire a photograph different from your current profile picture.
Click the photos above to see an example of how to change your profile picture to a desired photo
The official #goPINKandBLUE awareness products are now available ! Wear your jewelry in remembrance, purchase as a gift for grieving families or order in bulk for your next event. We thank you in advance for your choice to Honor, Support and bring Awareness.
Remember if it doesn't have the official registered trademark, it isn't an official #goPINKandBLUE product.

The #goPINKandBLUE Walk (formerly the Baby Steps Walk) is NYC's Annual Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Walk. This commemoration and fundraiser offers families that have experienced pregnancy and infant loss the opportunity to honor their angels. In 2018, we aim to raise $10,000 to continue our work, while we inspire and mobilize our walkers and volunteers across the Brooklyn Bridge into our beautiful candle ceremony to honor our angels. Whether you walk, sponsor or help to raise awareness, you are a contributor to this cause and we are very grateful for you!